Shooting from the lip...

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Food For Thought...

There are times when I have hated food - almost wishing that I could meet my body's precise nutritional needs by simply gulping a pill. I know its cowardice - a desire to simply opt-out, and cease having to focus or worry about food - a life free of the endless questions: "Is this good? Is this bad? Have I had too much? Not enough?" Even the most well-laid out eating plans can still become oppressive regimes where fear and worry overcome the simple pleasure of eating less and enjoying more. Everyone has bad days, and this isn't about how fat you are, but your attitude towards food.

When did I get to be so frightened of food? Is it heresy to believe that it might be possible to actually take pleasure in eating... and still manage an appropriate weight? Surely I'm not the only one who, at times, just wants to forget all about food, the numbers, and the measures - and just eat without fear - without gaining fat. Or better still, to actually lose fat in the process. I'm not saying that calorie counting is inferior, or that reading nutritional labels is counter-productive (quite the contrary really). This is about eating "style" rather than eating science.

Some points for Lou to ponder:

Must learn how to eat slower, much, much slower...
Must focus on what I'm eating, and how good it tastes...
Must attempt, to consume food by itself. Nearly everything I eat is consumed whilst doing something else. This is a symptom of time-poverty and the fruit of bad habit...

God, why did I have to be born with Mediterranean/Irish Genes?
If only, I had been born Ukrainian, I wouldn’t even have to post this blog!

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